Would you want a good book banned for only some inappropriate language and violence? I am going to talk about the book “Lord of the Flies.” I will be arguing that this book should not be banned for grades 7-12. This book has no reason for it to be banned because the language is worse in video games or t.v. shows that we watch or play and the violence is only for killing animals and blood boiling to try to hurt each other. I will give detail on why this book should not be banned in the following paragraphs.


The language in this book is very mild. I disagree that this book should be banned for its language because you could hear worse from video games, t.v., etc. This book also uses very few cuss words in it, definitely not enough to be banned. Put yourself in these kids’ shoes that are on this island, would you get frustrated and swear a little bit? I think so, most people would.


This book was also banned for violence, I kinda of understand why, though. This book has violence that is unreal they even call it violence. For example, people say that the boys killing a pig in this book was violence, but if you need meat to survive what else would you do? There is violence I understand why it should be banned, though, such as throwing rocks at each other and wanting to hunt each other down and kill each other. That is violence I can understand on why it should be banned but not enough to make the book banned.


Some may say that “Lord of the Flies” should be banned, but I think differently. Some parents say that this book is sending kids the wrong message, but what if your kid was stuck on an island? Would you want your kid to survive? Would you want your kid to eat and not starve to death? Would you want your kid to kill animals to get enough energy to make it another day? Now I am sure you don’t want your kid to be trying to kill other kids, but, when you’re out in the wild for so long, you start to go a little crazy I imagine.


In conclusion, I don’t think this book should be banned. It has barely any inappropriate language in it but some mild violence. The violence is no worse than a video game that kids play these days anyway. I hope people see differently about this book now. Thank you for reading my essay on the book “Lord of the Flies.”